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Human Rights Policy Incorporating Ethical Trading Initiative and UN Guiding Principles

1. Introduction: Florna Plants Ltd is committed to upholding and respecting human rights across its global operations. This comprehensive Human Rights Policy integrates the principles outlined in the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Our company recognizes the importance of ensuring fair treatment, dignity, and respect for all individuals involved in our operations and supply chain.

2. Core Principles: Our Human Rights Policy is founded on the following principles:

2.1. Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Principles: Florna Plants will actively promote the principles outlined by the Ethical Trading Initiative, including:•Respect for workers' rights to join trade unions and engage in collective bargaining.•Provision of fair wages and working hours.•Ensuring safe and healthy working conditions. Prohibition of child labour and forced labour. Providing equal opportunities and fair treatment for all employees.

2.2. UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Florna Plants Ltd acknowledges the UN Guiding Principles and will integrate them into its operations, including:•The duty to respect human rights by avoiding causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts.•The responsibility to address human rights abuses when identified. Ensuring access to effective remedies for individuals affected by human rights abuses linked to our operations.

3. Scope: This policy applies to all employees, suppliers, contractors, customers, and other stakeholders connected to Florna Plants Ltd worldwide.4. Implementation:•

4.1. Risk Assessment: Florna Plants Ltd will regularly assess human rights risks within its operations and supply chain to identify potential adverse impacts and areas for improvement.•

4.2. Due Diligence: We commit to conducting thorough due diligence processes to prevent, mitigate, and address adverse human rights impacts, including supplier assessments and audits.

4.3. Supplier Engagement: We will work closely with our suppliers, encouraging them to align with our human rights principles and implement necessary improvements.

4.4. Grievance Mechanisms: Florna Plants Ltd will establish effective grievance mechanisms to ensure that any stakeholder can report human rights concerns and that appropriate action is taken promptly.

4.5. Training and Awareness: We will provide training and awareness programs for our employees, suppliers, and partners to ensure a deep understanding of human rights principles and their practical implementation.

5. Continuous Improvement: Florna Plants Ltd is committed to continuous improvement. We will regularly review and update our Human Rights Policy to align with evolving best practices, legal requirements, and stakeholder expectations.

6. Non-Retaliation: Florna Plants Ltd prohibits any form of retaliation against employees or stakeholders who raise human rights concerns or report violations in good faith.

7. Reporting and Transparency: We will maintain transparency by reporting on our human rights efforts, including progress, challenges, and achievements, in our annual sustainability reports.

8.Collaboration: Florna Plants will collaborate with industry peers, NGOs, governments, and other stakeholders to promote the advancement of human rights globally.

9. Compliance and Accountability: Non-compliance with this policy may result in appropriate corrective actions, including termination of contracts and relationships.

10. Board Oversight: The Board of Directors of Florna Plants Ltd will oversee the implementation and effectiveness of this Human Rights Policy. Conclusion: Florna Plants Ltd is committed to creating a work environment and supply chain that respects human rights and promotes dignity and fairness for all. By integrating the principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we aim to make a positive impact on the lives of our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders while fostering a culture of ethical responsibility.


Chris Brookes 13.08.24

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